
“Virginia Dare” by Louisa Lander

Independent scholar and award-winning playwright Diane Baia Hale is fluent in the realms of the present and of the past. Specializing in the theatre of ideas, she uses her command of both language and human psychology to present striking images of men and women struggling to maintain their personal integrity against forces determined to destroy it.  Leavened with wit and humor, Diane’s characters not only inhabit their own worlds, but reach out to resonate in our own. Her most recent scholarly research and artistic projects focus on the forgotten 19th-century pioneering American female artist, Louisa Lander. Her award-winning play about Lander, The Marble Muse, has been seen in numerous venues across the country.


*** Please join Diane for her presentation, “Lost Lady: Louisa Lander, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Hunt for a Forgotten American Sculptor” at Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum, Lenox, Massachusetts, at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 6. A Victorian tea will follow. https://gildedage.org/events/tea-talk-lost-lady-louisa-lander-nathaniel-hawthorne-and-the-hunt-for-a-forgotten-american-sculptor/

Diane’s historical drama The Wisdom of Serpents is now available at Barnes and NobleAmazon, and your local bookstore! You can also check out her Amazon Author’s Page as well as her space on Goodreads. The Wisdom of Serpents was a finalist for the 2009 Jane Chambers Award as one of the top five adjudged that year.